Sonia Furstenau, BC Green | 2020 BC Election Series

Today we’re thrilled to have on Sonia Furstenau, BC Green Party candidate for Cowichan Valley, and the leader of the BC Green Party. Sonia got into politics at the local level, organizing against a provincial permit that allowed a company to contaminate the water in Shawnigan Lake. Sonia won a competitive race to replace Andrew Weaver as the leader of the BC Green Party, and is the incumbent in her race for Cowichan Valley against Rob Douglas from the BC NDP and Tanya Kaul from the BC Liberals. We’re thrilled to talk to Sonia about the BC Green Party, her goals for this election, and why the next four years are so important for BC. In this episode we talked about:

- What winning looks like for the BC Green Party

- Importance of minority government

- Impact of the BC Green Party can make even with small number of seats in the legislative assembly

- BC Green Party represents issues beyond the environment

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George Affleck, BC Liberal | 2020 BC Election Series


Sam Sullivan, BC Liberal | 2020 BC Election Series